by Nancy Maki | Articles, Blog
If you’re looking for a good example of how to build trust in the workplace, there is one person you should consider. He wasn’t the owner of a small company or the CEO of a huge organization. Instead, he was known for saying the above quote in his inaugural address...
by Nancy Maki | Coaching, News
Being a leader can feel overwhelming at times. The good news is it doesn’t have to be. With a little determination, you can focus your attention. Think “simplify” and “less is more.” How to declutter your leadership strategy: 8 simple steps The ability to focus is a...
by Nancy Maki | Articles, Blog, Coaching
The season of Self-Evaluations is upon us! Employees and managers are often finding ways to avoid these essential tools for setting goals and growing. If you are, or have, an aspiring leader struggling to understand why self-evaluation is so essential, here are four...
by Nancy Maki | Articles, Blog, Coaching
Are you ready to be a leader in today’s business world? In today’s fast-moving, diversified business world, there are four skills that managers need to harness to experience leadership success. Here are four questions to identify your own habits. Review the checklist...