

Bring Your Team Together  

Esprit de corps: the common spirit within members of a group inspiring enthusiasm, devotion and strong regard for the honor of the group

At times, leaders need to offer development opportunities in a snackable size. You want to bring your team together to inspire, motivate, and encourage. Information that is compact and fills a specific need is what you require. We offer ready to go signature talks that can be customized to your employee development needs.

Our Talks

Organizations are losing leadership bench strength at a furious pace.  Record retirements, a blazing economy – while positive news – the fallout has left many pain points in its wake.  Inexperienced leaders have a profound impact. High turnover, conflict, and productivity gaps are the results and new norm.  The demolition of the workforce has left executives scrambling to rebuild their leadership bench strength. 


This seminar will provide leaders the building blocks to develop influential leaders in their organization. 

Participants will: 

Explore and understand the impact of influential leaders

Understand how to assess the return on your leadership development efforts

Learn how to identify, measure, and evaluate key leadership skills.

Participants will take away a toolkit to begin building influential leaders right away. 

When mental Health Impacts the Workspace – What’s a Manager to do?

Inevitably, managers will encounter an employee situation that intersects with a mental health concern. These situations can be uncomfortable at a minimum and frightening at their most severe. Knowing how to respond can make a profound and positive difference in the outcome. 


This learning opportunity provides managers with the knowledge to identify a possible mental health issue. Next, it is essential to respond in a way that is compassionate and effective. Participants will learn strategies to intervene when performance problems and common mental health disorders intersect.  


Finally, we explore the emotional toll for managers and learn how to build capacity to maintain personal health and wellness while being a rock for the team. 

Employees Bolt When Supervisors Make These Five Mistakes

Research consistently demonstrates that frontline leaders are significant in the success of a work team. The supervisor’s approach to leading does make a difference to people. All workers have basic needs. They may thrive or whither depending on whether those meets are met in the workplace. If those meets are not met, employees are a flight risk. The key to solving this puzzle is the supervisor. 


The supervisor who understands, and can meet, an employee’s essential needs has a strong foundation. The supervisor who can demonstrate empathy builds on that strength. The supervisor who communicates with clarity, consistency, and respect has the goods to create a lasting team. 

Schedule A Talk with Your Team 






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Seattle, Washington

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