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The Tangible Benefits of Focused Leadership

The Tangible Benefits of Focused Leadership

My old boss used to drive me crazy. There were many times I would sit in his office giving him a project update, only to be interrupted mid-sentence while he answered his phone.   Being young and sassy at the time, I’d eventually walk out thinking, “Hey, if you don’t...

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For Leaders Who Don’t Have the Talent for Empathy

For Leaders Who Don’t Have the Talent for Empathy

Not everyone can claim to have feelings of empathy. You’re either born with it or you’re not. But can you be a successful leader if you’re not emotionally intuitive?   Where do you stand on the issue of empathy in leadership? Think it’s the most important skill a...

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How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person for Your Team

How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong Person for Your Team

Have you ever noticed how finding the perfect candidate is similar to running a marathon? You start off with high hopes and a little trepidation (because you know it’s not going to be easy). About halfway through the process you feel like giving up, but you plod...

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Achieve Better Results with Active Listening

Achieve Better Results with Active Listening

Like any good leader, you’re keen to create an environment in which your team members achieve results. So, you’re busy setting expectations, encouraging feedback and questions, and scheduling regular check-ins. But how come you’re still not seeing the results you’re...

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Seattle, Washington

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